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by Anılllm (Comments: 36, Reviews: 19)
by (Comments: 1, Reviews: 0)
by (Comments: 1, Reviews: 0)
Our next meeting is in November. I booked two days straight away.
Why two days straight away?
The communication so far is simply unprecedented. All the other women I have had contact with via WhatsApp were very distant and unfriendly. Not Ada. Of course, she also creates facts at the beginning, but in a very friendly way.
We have been in contact via WhatsApp for weeks (to date). We regularly exchange messages and although she has a lot to do, she takes the time to chat with me. We have even spoken on the phone a few times since then.
All in all, I find the contact so far very personal, very nice and also cultivated.
I don't know what it would be like if I “only” booked an hour, but an hour with her would definitely not be enough for me. Through our previous exchanges, I know that I would like to spend a lot more time with her.
Through the relaxed and very pleasant exchange so far, my trust in her has grown and I am looking forward to our meeting in 11/2024. I am not interested in a specific service from her. I just want to get to know her as a woman and see what happens and with what intensity, we'll see together.
I am firmly convinced that Ada has qualities that a man cannot experience in an hour. You just have to (and want to) spend more time with Ada.
I will post here afterwards whether I am right in my assessment and whether my trust was justified. :-)
by (Comments: 1, Reviews: 1)
by (Comments: 2, Reviews: 0)