I had the chance to meet Kristina. At the beginning, staying at the green hotel is definitely a plus point. The person has a very fit and elegant appearance.
The first meeting started with a high energy and warm welcome. Her English is not good, she does not understand Turkish at all. It is necessary to use a translation but I did not have any problems with communication, her conversation is relaxed and sincere.
She is very open in terms of conversation. Being an interested and not holding back person is one of her biggest advantages. Especially the fact that she maintains her energy at the moment and makes you feel the joy spreading makes the experience much more enjoyable.
The photos have been slightly manipulated visually but what you see in the first photo is almost what you see or I did not encounter any surprises in terms of appearance. If there is someone who is fit and energetic, she is definitely recommended.
She became someone I would like to see again. I do not recommend it to those who want to have a pleasant stay.
The first meeting started with a high energy and warm welcome. Her English is not good, she does not understand Turkish at all. It is necessary to use a translation but I did not have any problems with communication, her conversation is relaxed and sincere.
She is very open in terms of conversation. Being an interested and not holding back person is one of her biggest advantages. Especially the fact that she maintains her energy at the moment and makes you feel the joy spreading makes the experience much more enjoyable.
The photos have been slightly manipulated visually but what you see in the first photo is almost what you see or I did not encounter any surprises in terms of appearance. If there is someone who is fit and energetic, she is definitely recommended.
She became someone I would like to see again. I do not recommend it to those who want to have a pleasant stay.
With tongue
Without condom
Not available
Don't know
10% fixed in Photoshop
by (Comments: 4, Reviews: 1)
by Ugur (Comments: 25, Reviews: 23)
by Beastamy (Comments: 33, Reviews: 38)
Yetişebilirsem K®️ℹ️🖇️⛏️ℹ️ 𝐍🅰️ nın tadına bakma isterim, çok!
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