Μεγάλο λάθος που δεν έκατσα μαζί της περισσότερη ώρα. Η πιο γλυκιά, φυσική και χαριτωμένη κοπέλα που έχω πάει. Αισθάνθηκα άνετα μαζί της από τη πρώτη στιγμή, το χαμόγελο της μου έφτιαχνε τη διάθεση. Το ευχαριστήθηκα μαζί της στο κρεβάτι πάρα πολύ. Όμορφη με καλούς τρόπους και με περιποιήθηκε παραπάνω από όσο περίμενα. Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ Veronica, μακάρι να μπορέσεις να έρθεις Κέρκυρα σύντομα ξανά!
Big mistake that I didn't stay with her for longer. The most sweet, natural and cute girl I've been with. I felt comfortable with her since the first time and her smile lifted up my mood. I enjoyed so much with her in bed. She's so beautiful with nice manners and took care of me more than expected. Thank you so much Veronica, I really wish you can come to Corfu soon again!
Big mistake that I didn't stay with her for longer. The most sweet, natural and cute girl I've been with. I felt comfortable with her since the first time and her smile lifted up my mood. I enjoyed so much with her in bed. She's so beautiful with nice manners and took care of me more than expected. Thank you so much Veronica, I really wish you can come to Corfu soon again!
With tongue
Without condom
Yes, spits it out
Not available
Multiple times allowed
Real picture
by (Comments: 34, Reviews: 17)