Anadolu yakasında görüşmüştüm. Şimdi taxim civarında sanırım. Bir önceki görüşmemde gitmiştim. Ajans biraz kaprisli ve mesaj yazıp yeni kızlar geldimi veya bu kız yokmu gibi şeylere çok kızıyor. Resim isteyince veya kız seçmeyince hemen engelliyor veya cevap yazmıyor. Ajansa sesleniyorum. Kardeşim işini yap herkese cevap yaz. Neyse gelelim kıza. Kız mükemmel Sandranın oda arkadaşı kankası. Sandrayıda onunla görnüştüm hotelde. Sandrada güzel ama mrtyle da harika. Gidin görün ve cimde yapın . İkinciyede gitmeyi düşünüyorum. 40 kez git bu kıza süper hizmet. Güleryüzlü ilgili ve çok güzel kız. Benim arkadaşımda bu kıza gitmişti anlatmıştı kız işin kompedanı
Escort Answer:
Thank you for your review. I know your member name very well, you wrote many reviews for our ladies, so you met many of them, which shows that you are not blocked. Im not brother, I’m a woman, and I never ever block people without a reason. If I block everyone who sees picture and don’t meet immediately, whole Istanbul guys will be blocked:) sometimes you forget that I’m also a person and not machine, I can’t answer all sometimes and likely in 1-2 min as you want, sometimes I even can’t do my daily duties and spend 10 min with my family. So when people ask same photo even twice a day and for many month and even years and don’t even expect to meet, yes I can block, because it’s eating my time and I can get tired because of this.
Thank you for your review. I know your member name very well, you wrote many reviews for our ladies, so you met many of them, which shows that you are not blocked. Im not brother, I’m a woman, and I never ever block people without a reason. If I block everyone who sees picture and don’t meet immediately, whole Istanbul guys will be blocked:) sometimes you forget that I’m also a person and not machine, I can’t answer all sometimes and likely in 1-2 min as you want, sometimes I even can’t do my daily duties and spend 10 min with my family. So when people ask same photo even twice a day and for many month and even years and don’t even expect to meet, yes I can block, because it’s eating my time and I can get tired because of this.
With tongue
Without condom
Yes, spits it out
Don't know
Real picture
by (Comments: 6, Reviews: 28)
by (Comments: 12, Reviews: 4)