Marisa's English is very good but her attitude is even better. She’s quite smart, friendly and the social part of our meeting was particularly pleasant.
In bed, it becomes obvious that Marisa is eager to please and has both the drive and the technique for reaching her goal. Very pleasant DFKs, excellent BBBJ, very energetic cowgirl delivered in several pleasant variations, fabulous missionary,... you get the picture. I enjoyed every single moment of it and I know it was a mutual pleasure.
Marisa, uzun boylu, cok guzel ve seksi bir kadin. Isini yaparken cok profesyonel, sizi rahatsiz edecek ne davranislarinda, ne de ortamda bir sey var. ZAten bana kapiyi actigi anda etkilenmistim ve oylede devam etti etkisi. Onun hakkinda okudugum bir hususa hak verdim: Slav guzelligi ile Turk sicakkanliliginin birlesimi. Marisa, Istanbul'dan Ankara"ya geciyor bugunlerde. Tesaduf o ki bende Ankara'ya bu hafta gidecegim ve onu tekrar 5 yildizli odasinda ziyaret edecegim