Miss LAYANA (Profile is currently not active !)
Hello my dear, I am Layana and I want to start by welcoming you to my profile.
I hope that by the end of this short introduction and after looking through my portfolio you will have a much better idea of who I am and will be inspired to meet one on one. 💖
I am a young and attractive woman and an elite companion who loves all the good things that life gives to those who are ready for success. 💋💋💋
I consider myself a real woman with ideal body shapes, beautiful, soft and correct... which I am especially proud of.😘😘
If you value privacy and are looking for a sexy, sweet, smart companion, I am for you! ❤️❤️
I have impeccable manners, grace and charm and I will be happy to accompany you to a gallery opening, a charity event, an intimate candlelight dinner or a night on the town. I am always impeccably dressed and will fit seamlessly into your social life❤️❤️.
I have many interests and hobbies, and one of the main ones is personal health.
I also have a good sense of humor; Laughing and smiling are easy and natural for me. You will never be bored with me, and I will do my best to make your secret dreams come true...💋❤️
by Beastamy (Comments: 33, Reviews: 38)
Efso on numara 5⭐ bir acanstan bonservisini alıp Başkent'e inmiş bir hoş kısrak
Ne diyelim Samoa başta olmak üzere Seğmenlerim keskin kılınçlarına kuvvat
by Socartes (Comments: 141, Reviews: 129)
Çok sayıda hasnaları ile arzı endam ettikleri kadim şehrimizden Ankara'ya teşrif etmişler.
Bu konuda her ne kadar müteessir olsakta ,Ne diyelim yapacak bir sey yok ,
Hayırlısı olsun
Ne demisti rahmetli Jul sezar Veni, Vici,Dico 😄