VIKA VIP (Profile is currently not active !)
100000% real
have photos from room from all that you want
19 age ! Natural tits ! Full serves ! Love A-Level can make a duo with my friend Rima she love anal too)
1h 1200
2h 2400
30 min 800
3h 3500
full night 8000 lira
Reviews of VIKA VIP
by Istanbul Explorer (Comments: 0, Reviews: 9)
by Psotnick (Comments: 0, Reviews: 1)
by Teodortr (Comments: 0, Reviews: 1)
Bu acenta farkli kizlara yonlendirme yapiyor, hic tavsiye etmiyorum. Escort Answer:
You're a liar!!!!! Please dint believe him !!!!!! It’s fake rewiu from fake agency !!!!!! We can sand all photos from room with varifikation !