when ı came to hotel, she sent me the floor number and then she snet me the room number, so she spent the first 5 minutes

then she opened the door and ı became happy because she is really beautiful, but when she began to talk, she said that ı am too active and pushed me. she complained about everything. she was nervous ( made me nervous also) and she said that my dick is big for anal, but it is medium size and ı am honest and ı am not african either.after more than 20 minutes we began our first sex and she kept saying not to hursh because we have lots of time

when ı wanted to begin the 2. sex, she told me that we have 15 minutes left( it was 20 min. left) and she told me that time might not be enough for 2. sex but ı said that we have time and we began normal sex. after a while she pushed me and ı thought she wanted some different position or blowjob may be and when ı separated, she told me that time was finished, but there were 10 minutes left. we argued about 10 minutes and ı said that in that 10 min. ı would finish my 2. time, but she was so stubborn and ı am not a rapist, ı left the room. then ı spoke with her manager. he told me that he is sad about that and ı may have some free time at her next trip to istanbul. ı believe that the manager is a good man,and there is no fault of him, but ı don't believe her. she wants to spend time. I know that she may answer and tell lies, but why ı did not have any problem with other girls?may be that was her bad day, but ı dont care. she is beautiful but my advice is 30 minutes first... arkadaşlar bu kızla ilgili çok güzel yorumlar var, ama günü gününe uymuyor galiba. ben binpişman oldum. konuşa konuşa zaman yiyen bir kız ama güzel de. en iyisi yarım saat...bir de hep şikayetçi, yok büyük falan. ben sanki bilmiyorum bu yaşta. ortalama benimki. tırı vırı bunlar...

Escort Answer:
I treat my clients with all respect giving them all the attention they need. nThis client tried to disrespect me over stepping his mark and I had to make a stand against it. Am I wrong to protect myself?. Come see and feel for your self before you nmake judgment against me it is very strange that all my other clients are happy except nhim.