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Πραγματικά μεγάλη φόλα όντως, φουλ photoshop δεν αξίζει
You get no reply at the messages you sen her probably one more fake thing!
She replies after very very long time and her English are terrible to manage to book An appointment. Unprofessional
Unfortunately it’s probably scam because she doesn’t reply to the messages
Goddess with perfect ass for facesitting 👌😋
The girl doesn’t reply at the messages despite the fact that she reads them. I am wondering what kind of attitude this is
For some strange reason She doesn’t reply at the messages. Most probably she is fake as another reviewer commented. She reads and then she doesn’t answer
Εσυ ρε AXAKI, σε μπλόκαραν σε κάνανε φραγή και όλα αυτά, και βάζεις δεκάρια; Κάτι δεν πάει καλά εδώ
Baby come to Crete with please, we are waiting you!
Does anyone managed to contact her?
Μπόρεσε κανείς να επικοινωνήσει μαζί της; Πως γίνεται να μην έχει αριθμό γραμμένο;